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Windy Hill School

Thank you for your interest in the college's early childhood laboratory school. Windy Hill School is an integral part of the college's Child Development Program, and, as such, offers special opportunities for the youngsters enrolled in our programs. The school has three distinct programs: Toddlers, Nursery School, and a Pre-K Program. These are all staffed by appropriately degreed, experienced teachers. Lending their support and collaboration to the teachers are members of the Child Development and Psychology faculty, and students in the Child Development Program.

Our developmentally based programs represent appropriate practices as set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). We achieve this within the context of a play based, project oriented curriculum designed to meet the needs of children in both group and individual situations. Youngsters are provided with a wide variety of exciting materials and experiences and are encouraged to explore topics and ideas that are of interest to them. In operation since 1976, Windy Hill School has been continuously cited by outside agencies and consultants as an exemplary program for young children as well as outstanding training site for future teachers.

We encourage people to visit our facilities located on the campus of Colby-Sawyer College. To arrange a visit, request a brochure, or make inquiries about our programs contact Director of Windy Hill School Jen Ensign or phone the office at 603-526-3695.

Waitlist update: Due to the large number of families on our waitlist, the Toddler room waitlist is currently closed- we are not adding new families to this list at this time. We can add children to our Nursery School (3- year-old) and Pre-k (4-year-old) waitlists.

Windy Hill Student Interns

Students enrolled in the college's Child Development Program provide additional staffing. They are, of course, supervised by both college and Windy Hill faculty. For them it is an opportunity to learn about young children and appropriate early childhood practices, through direct interaction with children at Windy Hill.