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Connecting to Wireless

Wi-Fi Instructions for Students & Employees

There are two wireless networks available on campus.

The college wireless networks do not support Chromecast devices or wireless printing in residence halls. The Helpdesk can provide a USB cable if needed.


  • Personal devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, etc. should be connected to CSC-Guest.
  • There is now a password for CSC-Guest. CSC users can access the password here. For security purposes, this password will be changed each semester. We will notify you of the new password when the change occurs.


  • All Colby-Sawyer owned wireless equipment should be connected to Colby-Internal.
  • If you require access to internal systems such as your P drive, you should connect to Colby-Internal.
  • When connecting to Colby-Internal, it will prompt you for your CSC credentials.

All users should connect using the appropriate network above. If you have trouble connecting any of your devices please contact the Help Desk at 603-526-3800 or email