Laptop Printing
(On-Campus Access Only)
Laptop printing allows users to print from a web browser on their own laptops. Laptops must be connected to the "Colby-Internal" WiFi network.
Key Points of Laptop Printing:
- Laptops must be connected to the "Colby-Internal" WiFi network.
- Only PDF and Microsoft Office documents (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) may be printed. No other file types (e.g. HTML web pages, jpeg, gif etc.) are allowed.
- Only the complete document may be printed, there are no options to print particular pages or ranges of pages. All jobs print two-sided.
- Monochrome pages charge $0.03 against printing allowance. The system detects monochrome and color pages and charges appropriately.
- Laptop printing works ONLY with these printers:
- ColgateLexmarkC6160 Color pages: $0.12 each
- LibraryInternetLexM5270 (During Library hours ONLY)
- SawyerLabLexM5270 (Sawyer Center Computer lab)
- SchaeferLexM5270 (Schaefer Center Common Area)
Laptop Printing can only be used on campus.
To Begin Laptop Printing:
Point your web browser to PaperCut User Login
Enter your CSC user ID and password. Click Log in.
Click the Web Print link.
Click Submit a Job.
Select a printer and click the "Print Options and Account Selection" button.
Enter number of copies desired and click "Upload Documents" button.
Select document(s) to be printed by dragging and dropping or clicking the "Upload from computer" button. Then click the "Upload & Complete" button.
Need More Help?
Call the Helpdesk at 603.526.3800 or email