Transcript Requests
Official Transcript Request
All transcript requests are processed by Parchment. There is a $3.00 fee for each electronic transcript and a $5.00 fee for each paper transcript.
You will need to create a New Learner Account in Parchment if you aren't an Existing User in Parchment. Your CSC credentials are not linked to Parchment. You will need to enter your credit card information when making the request.
Request a transcript: Parchment Exchange
Track an existing transcript order: Transcript Tracking
Unofficial Transcript Request
Only current students are able to obtain their unofficial transcript. To get your unofficial transcript, log into PowerCampus Self-Service and click on the Grades tab. Your unofficial transcript will be on this page, which you can print or save.
If you’re having issues accessing PowerCampus Self-Service, please contact the IT Help Desk at 603.526.3800 or