Services available at BHCC include: evaluation and treatment of common acute and chronic health problems such as upper respiratory infections, strep infections, mono, gastrointestinal disorders, nutritional counseling including the treatment of eating disorders.
BHCC also offers well woman exams and contraceptive services including emergency contraception, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy testing and counseling. The center also provides services such as immunizations, stress management including evaluation and treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, adjustment disorder, post traumatic stress syndrome and relationship problems.
The staff at BHCC is qualified to evaluate and treat most problems a student may have; however, if there is a problem we do not feel qualified to treat, there are a number of specialists in the area we refer to including the providers at New London Hospital, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and Concord Hospital.
Flu Shots are available through BHCC to students, staff and faculty for $15. Flu shot clinics will be offered by BHCC in collaboration with the Student Nursing Association during the fall semester.