Returning Student Medical Update
A Returning Student Medical Update form may be required to be completed before attending classes. For questions please contact Baird Health & Counseling Center at (603) 526-3453.
Tuberculosis Testing Policy
Baird Health & Counseling Center practices an approach to tuberculosis (TB) screening, testing and treatment that is consistent with the TB Elimination Strategy promoted by the U.S. Public Health Service Advisory Council on the Elimination of Tuberculosis. In keeping with this approach, BHCC requires that all entering students be screened by their home health care provider to determine need for testing, and that testing be done 3 to 6 months prior to matriculation where indicated. Students who have a positive response with either a skin test or blood test, will need evaluation (either through home or school provider) for active or latent tuberculosis.
In keeping with the practices of the New Hampshire Tuberculosis Program, Division of Public Health Services,students who matriculate from a country where there is a high incidence of tuberculosis (greater than or equal to 20 cases per 100,000 population) will be required to have a repeat test upon arrival on campus. Additionally, students who travel to areas where tuberculosis is prevalent between semesters at Colby-Sawyer College may be asked to undergo testing 8-10 weeks after returning to campus.
For further information, please contact Baird Health & Counseling Center.