Upper Respiratory Illness Management
The following policies and procedures were enacted to help the campus community lower risk from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19 and influenza.
While Colby-Sawyer College strongly encourages members of the campus community to be up to date on their vaccines for COVID-19 and Influenza, they are not required.
Face Masks
It is recommended that individuals keep a face mask in their possession as professors and/or departments may request their usage at their own discretion. Similarly, individuals are encouraged to wear a face mask voluntarily at their discretion.
Students who experience symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses are asked to self-test for COVID-19 and report positive results to the Baird Health and Counseling Center.
Employees who test positive for COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses that may impact their attendance at work should notify their supervisor.
Isolation and Masking
Special isolation accommodations will not be provided for individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or other respiratory illnesses.
Isolation for COVID-19 is no longer required; however, it is recommended for those experiencing significant symptoms, including fevers.
People with respiratory illnesses are generally most infectious starting 1-2 days prior to the onset of symptoms and through the first few days of acute symptoms. During that time, individuals should limit contact with others, particularly if a fever is present. Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear a mask at all times around others while symptoms are still present.
Roommates of students experiencing severe respiratory symptoms may request a temporary alternative housing assignment by contacting Residential Education at residential@colby-sawyer.edu.
Residential students who are ill and self-isolating on campus should notify Parkhurst Dining at campusdining@colby-sawyer.edu. Parkhurst staff will provide information about ordering and obtaining meals.
Students who are self-isolating due to illness symptoms should contact their faculty to make arrangements to complete the academic work that they may miss. Arrangements will vary by course.
Medical support
Employees or students who feel they need medical care for their symptoms may contact Baird Health and Counseling (*students) or their PCP (*students or employees) or seek care at New London Hospital.
New London Hospital is located at 273 County Road in New London and offers 24-hour emergency services. It also offers Express Care, which provides medical care for urgent medical conditions without requiring an appointment.
Located on the first floor at the back of the main hospital, Express Care has its own designated entrance, parking and registration. It is open seven days a week: weekdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information about COVID-19 and other infectious respiratory illnesses, visit the CDC site at https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/index.html.