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Data Science Minor

Develop mathematical and computational skills essential to solving a wide range of real-world problems, and prepare yourself for some of the fastest-growing and highest-paying jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 35% growth in data science jobs is anticipated (2022-2032), and the median salary for Data Scientists is $103,500 per year.

Data Science provides the quantitative methods used in areas such as medicine, business, sports, and science to analyze data and to make predictions by modeling the patterns. In the Data Science Minor, you’ll learn foundational theoretical concepts along with the practical skills of working with spreadsheets, R statistical computing language, and the Python programming language.

Data science has become increasingly important across industries, including biological sciences, healthcare, and business of all kinds. A data science minor can complement any major with skills that are highly valued in the workforce.

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Program Information

Andrew Cahoon
Assistant Professor
School of Arts & Sciences