Psi Chi
The National Honor Society in Psychology
The Colby-Sawyer chapter of Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology, was installed in 1999. The purpose of this honor society is to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship and to advance the science of psychology.
To be eligible for membership, a student must rank in the top 35 percent of the class, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have completed at least three college semesters and nine credits of psychology courses with a minimum GPA of B (3.0) in those courses and be enrolled in a program of study with strong psychological content (for example, the psychology or child development majors and psychology minor).
An International Organization
The aims of Psi Chi are summarized in two Greek words: psyche, suggesting "mind" or scholarship, symbolizes enrichment of the mind; cheires, meaning "hands," symbolizes fellowship and research. The purposes of the honor society are to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship and to advance the science of psychology.
Psi Chi ranks as one of the largest and most successful honor societies holding membership in the Association of College Honor Societies. Since its founding in 1929, more than three-quarters of a million lifetime members have joined in more than 1,250 chapters. In 1958, Psi Chi became the first official affiliate of the American Psychological Association. Its chapters are international in scope, interests and opportunities.