Giving to Colby-Sawyer
Invest in the Future
When you give to Colby-Sawyer, you make an investment in the future by helping to shape the direction of the college for years to come. Your support means that generations of students will be able to experience a Colby-Sawyer education — students who emerge as alumni and are active learners and lifelong scholars, artists, leaders, writers, scientists, critical thinkers and engaged citizens.
The Colby-Sawyer Fund
Have an immediate impact on students by ensuring that they have the opportunities and resources to explore what is most meaningful to them.
Friends of Colby-Sawyer Athletics
Root for the home team! Show your Charger pride by supporting student-organized club sports, the athletic team of your choice or the Chargers Club.
Make Your Pledge Payment
Thank you for pledging your support to the Colby-Sawyer Fund. Your annual gift impacts the lives of hundreds of Colby-Sawyer students.
Planned Gifts
Charitable gifts extend your generosity into the future, help you meet your philanthropic goals, and shows your support and appreciation for Colby-Sawyer and its mission.